The ContinueLiving™ app is designed to help you stay in control and focus on your well-being, retain important information after a doctors visit, stay in touch with loved ones, and get the help you need - all in one app. The ContinueLiving™ application can help people with cancer and their loved ones:• Track fatigue level, mood, pain level and sleep quality; integrate data from health monitoring applications and wearable devices (taking into account the number of steps and sleep duration). Share information about your health, as well as share graphs of the dynamics of your condition with friends and your doctor.• Use tools and techniques to help you feel better.• Take notes. Write down questions for the doctor in text or audio recording. Store test results, information about medications - all in one application.• Organize your affairs, make a schedule for the day, for the week, adding all planned visits and tasks to the Calendar.• Get help. Stay in touch with loved ones, send and receive requests/offers for help in solving everyday problems.The KeepLiving™ app is part of Pfizer Oncologys This Is Living With Cancer™ program for people with cancer and their loved ones.Need technical support? Email us at
[email protected]A doctors consultation is required. PP-UNP-BLR-0033